Inner Rainbow Tips, Ideas and Tools
We encourage everyone to keep using these tools and make them part of their lives! Inner Rainbow is meant to be the start of a lifelong journey into mindfulness and wellbeing. Over the 7 course sessions we have tried many different activities to give you an idea of how to live life a little more healthily and a little more mindfully. Its a lot of new things and new habits to take on - please go at your own pace and add things that work for you. Even changing one small habit and thinking about one thing a bit differently is the start of a big change. You can come back to the meditations and exercises whenever you want and add them into your life bit by bit. Or if you find yourself facing a challenge then perhaps you can look at everything again and pick some things to help you through. This section of the online content brings together some information and tips to help you continue your journey.
Lots of people think of mindfulness as a meditation. There are many mindfulness meditations and it is important to have some kind of 'mindfulness practice' in your day to help train your brain but mindfulness is also a way of being and a way of looking at the world. You can bring it into your life in many ways without having to find more time. Have a look at these tips and see what you can incorporate into your life. Perhaps pick one or two a week and try them out. Keep a note in your journal to remind you and to see what works for you.
Try your own Listening Meditation! Pick a time of day and decide how long you want to do it for. We suggest starting short - maybe 1 minute. Decide what you are going to listen to. It could be the sounds around you (inside or outside), or choose something like 'sounds of nature' from YouTube or even a piece of music. Then simply listen mindfully! Try and notice what you can hear, what individual sounds can you pick out from the noise around you. For example if you are hearing traffic sounds can you hear individual cars, if you are listening to birds and insects how many individual bird - songs can you hear or if it is a piece of music what individual instruments can you hear? Try and tune into the individual sounds. After doing this for a while just listen to the all the sounds together without zooming into one particular sound and notice how different this feels. Why not try this as you travel to school or if you are waiting in a line?
You can use the acupuncture energy balance to balance the energy throughout your body, helping you feel calm, centred and in control.
You do not need to be lying down like we did in class to meditate. Try sitting still with your back straight on the floor, on a cushion, on your bed or on a chair. Close your eyes and rest your hands on your knees. Before you start your meditation take a moment to notice the touch of the chair/ floor/ cushion on your legs and really sense what it feels like. Then you can use one of the recorded Inner Rainbow meditations or simply keep focusing on how your body feels! You can just sit for a few minutes noticing how different parts of your body feel without having to change them. See if you can sit still and be really curious and interested in different parts of your body. For example what does your fourth toe on the right side feel like, can you sense your ribs or notice the point where your neck joins your head and can you notice the air around you touching your cheek or your arm - is it warm, cool, dry or moist? You could just meditate on one body part for a few minutes and see how much you notice or perhaps move your attention up and down your body. Try to set yourself a time and meditate, staying as still as you can and if you need to move, move slowly. Why not try this with someone else in your family and afterwards talk with them about what you both noticed. Its amazing how much we miss about what is going on in our bodies!
Feeling safe is important to all human beings. Why not download this 'safe place tree' for yourself? Decorate it, write your name in it and then read through the words at the bottom or ask someone to read the words while you rest and listen with your eyes closed.
A fun way for children to engage with yoga at home is using cosmic kids! here is the link for the channel:
Throughout the course we have used sound as a meditation and a healing tool. Here is a list of links with binaural frequencies and Tibetan Bowl meditation music. You could just play it in the background at home to stimulate the energy of a certain chakra (for example if you need a confidence boost listen to the Solar Plexus music or if you are doing some creative writing try the Throat or Third Eye) or you could use this as the background to your daily meditation.