This 7 week course is loosely centered around the 7 Chakra's. We will use colours and themes relevant to the different areas to begin to help you to find inner balance. The Solar Plexus Chakra is mainly our ability to be confident and in control of our lives and how we express ourselves in the world. We will discuss self-esteem, power, lack of it and also too much of it. The colour connected to this Chakra is Yellow and it is located between the belly button and the ribs.

We will start each week with the Opening Breath. It is a great thing to do when you first wake up in the morning, when you need to clear the air or before starting a new activity.

Each week we will do this rainbow meditation. It is great for balance, focus and clearing out any blocks or negativity to learning. It is great to help you calm down, make decisions and be open to learning. You can try holding your Grounding Points from Week One before you start to help you feel centred or afterwards to 'come back to the room'.

Each week we will suggest activities that can be done at home. Find what works for you, you don't need to use everything. The idea is to practice so that mindfulness becomes a habit that is part of your life and will be there to support you when you really need it. All these activities can be done by the whole family! Here are some things to try this week.

  • Practice noticing
    • Look around your home, your school or places you regularly visit and see if you can see something you never noticed before. It could be something really simple like a mark on a picture you walk past each day or a small chip on your door!
  • Continue eating mindfully
    • Take a breath before you eat, look at your food and notice the colours and shapes.
    • really chew your food and focus on the tastes and smells.
    • Think about where it came from and how it was prepared.
    • Remove distractions like the TV.
  • Start to take a few mindful breaths or mindful drinks of water throughout the day.
    • Really focus on and notice what you are doing, where you feel it and what it feels like.
  • Add to your Happy List (or make one)
    • Draw or write things that make you feel happy.
    • Remember it could be really simple things like a cuddle or the sun!
  • Notice body language
    • Watch people and see if you can work out what their body language is showing you.
    • Is what they are saying and what they are showing you different?
  • Try out different postures and body language as you speak - does changing the way you stand / move make you feel anything different.
  • Work with your affirmations
    • Write them out.
    • Read them.
    • Shout them!
    • Repeat them.
    • Notice how they make you feel.
  • Try out your emotional processing points if you encounter a challenging feeling.
  • Use your rainbow and/or yellow meditation.
    • You can note down in your journal anything you liked or didn't like or any challenges you had with meditation.

Each week will add to the crystal bead band. Here is some information about the crystal you have received this week. If you are finding it difficult to sit or lie still while meditating then why not hold your beads and see if it helps?

Please refer to your child's journal to identify which Bach Flower Remedy they have chosen for the week. Read more about Bach Flower Remedies here. We encourage you to work with your Affirmation for the week - why not put it on a post-it note and put it up in your bedroom or on your bathroom mirror?

The room spray may not have all of the aromatherapy oils in it, it contains a blend of some of them. All of these oils are good to support this week. You can try spraying your room spray around your bedroom before you sleep or using it to start your meditation. If you are feeling unsure of yourself spray it in the air above you and breathe in the scent.

The weekly brain gym exercises are a great way to help activate the brain, strengthen the pathways between your left and ride sides and provide some relief from stress. These videos are the same exercises you will have done in the class. Use them as a reminder and do them everyday.

For more information on Brain Gym please read here. This week the exercise is Brain Focus. This is good for grounding, calming and 'switching on' the brain before starting an activity.

These exercises are designed to help you work through strong emotions and remove potential blocks, they are good for de-stressing your brain and adding some perspective to your feelings. See the card for more details

The meditation below can be done without music, however this is the music we used in the class (available on You Tube). You can play this in the background or just during the week when doing other things. The background Binaural vibration can help to resonate within the body, correcting internal frequencies subconsciously. Read more about Binaural frequencies here.

This week we learn an acupuncture balance. It is a great way to balance the energy, power and strength through out the body. You can use it as part of your meditation or on days when you feel meditation is too difficult why not make this your meditation by really concentrating on how it feels to hold the points.

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