This 7 week course is loosely centered around the 7 Chakra's. We will use colours and themes relevant to the different areas to begin to help you to find inner balance. The Crown Chakra is mainly about our ability to be fully connected to the world. We will discuss inner and outer beauty, our connection to the world around us and how to find happiness. The colour connected to this Chakra is Pink.
We will start each week with the Opening Breath. Practice really noticing how you are breathing, there is no need to change your breath just move your hands, focus on the breath and see what is happening for you. Start doing a little mindfulness meditation during your day by using the breath. You do not need to use the arms for this is you're not in a suitable place just notice your breath and wonder how you are breathing! If its possible close your eyes, if not just look down at a fixed point on the floor then bring your attention to the breath. Are you breathing through your nose or mouth, what does it feel like, is your breathing fast or slow, can you feel the breath underneath your nostrils? Try to do this a few times a day or pick a time to do it - why not try to do it every morning as you are lining up for school or when you are sitting on the busy. Take a few breaths before doing any sport.
Each week we will do this rainbow meditation. It is great for balance, focus and clearing out any blocks or negativity to learning. It is great to help you calm down, make decisions and be open to learning. You can try holding your Grounding Points from Week One before you start to help you feel centred or afterwards to 'come back to the room'.
Please refer to your child's journal to identify which Bach Flower Remedy they have chosen for the week. Read more about Bach Flower Remedies here.
Activities for this week:
- Create your meditation goal.
- Write down the goal or ask someone to write it and sign it so it is more real for your mind!
- Make it very specific including time, place, duration, length of practice
- i.e. Blue Meditation, at 4pm after school, in my room on my cushion, for 2 minutes, for 4 days or..
- Breath in purple for 30 sec at 7pm before I sleep, sitting on my bed, with my mum for 3 days.
- After you reach the end of your goal think about it - did it work? Can you change it? Make a new one!
- Make it very specific including time, place, duration, length of practice
- Continue to think about ways to incorporate mindfulness into your life and make an effort to do one thing each day.
- Write this in your journal "Today I will take 2 mindful breaths every time I wash my hands" or "Today I will listen to all the sounds I can hear whilst I sit on the school bus"
- Challenge your family to do the same and compare notes at the end of the day.
- Take it in turns to choose the day's mindfulness task at breakfast.
- Continue to eat mindfully.
- Write a gratitude list each day. What are you really thankful for!
- Teach someone the ear rub.
- Practice drawing your feelings - 'good' as well as 'bad'.
- Look through all your inner rainbow tools, which do you find most useful and where can you use them?
Each week will add to the crystal bead band. Here is some information about the crystal you have received this week. There are two this week.
If you are finding it difficult to sit or lie still while meditating then why not hold your beads and see if it helps? The beads can also be put under the pillow at night to assist sleep. see which colour you are drawn too to help you decide which colour meditation to do.
Please refer to your child's journal to identify which Bach Flower Remedy they have chosen for the week. Read more about Bach Flower Remedies here.
Have a look back over the affirmations in your journal for the last 7 weeks. There may be some similarities between them. Try to write them all out to use for whole body appreciation and balance.
Please work with your affirmations - they can be repeated every morning and evening, discussed with the family, reworded, repeated before meditation practice and written on post-it notes to put around your room. Our brains are hard-wired to see problems, seeing a negative first is what kept our ancestors in the caves safe from danger - they could escape and then re-think if it was a real danger! We can use things like affirmations to help train our brains to look at the positive first. The more we use and repeat things the more likely it is to become a habitual way of thinking.
The room spray may not have all of the aromatherapy oils in it, it contains a blend of some of them. All of these oils are good to support this week. You can try spraying your room spray around your bedroom before you sleep or using it to start your meditation. If you are feeling unsure of yourself spray it in the air above you and breathe in the scent.
During the crown chakra work we have looked at emotions and tools to help us process our feelings. Have a look at the Emotional Processing card for more information.
The crown chakra puts all the other Chakra's together, try to go through each weeks tips again to remember and feel which one's feel right to you.
Brain Gym exercises are designed to 'switch on' the brain. To increase focus and to exercise pathways between the left and ride sides of the brain. Have you tried thinking of them as a Mindfulness Practice? When you do the exercises you are focused and in the present moment - try to really concentrate on what you are doing, move slowly and notice how your body feels as you do the exercise. For example can you notice what your arm feels like moving through the air, do you notice any emotions coming up as you move and what are they?
You can use the exercises at any time of the day but why not try them before starting a new activity, before studying, reading or doing homework, before sports or even before your meditation. Make a note in your journal about if this exercise helps you and anything that you notice about it.
Try and put them all together from each week, which is your favourite?
The meditation below can be done without music, however this is the music we used in the class (available on You Tube). You can play this in the background or just during the week when doing other things. The background Binaural vibration can help to resonate within the body, correcting internal frequencies subconsciously. Read more about Binaural frequencies here.