This 7 week course is loosely centered around the 7 Chakra's. We will use colours and themes relevant to the different areas to begin to help you to find inner balance.The Throat Chakra is mainly about our ability to communicate. We will discuss self-expression of feelings and the truth. The colour connected to this Chakra is Blue
Every week we will open with this 'welcoming breath'. This is a great exercise to do when you first wake up or if you need to clear the air.
Each week we will do this rainbow meditation. It is great for balance, focus and clearing out any blocks or negativity to learning. It is great to help you calm down, make decisions and be open to learning. You can try holding your Grounding Points from Week One before you start to help you feel centred or afterwards to 'come back to the room'.
Each week will add to the crystal bead band. Here is some information about the crystal you have received this week. If you are finding it difficult to sit or lie still while meditating then why not hold your beads and see if it helps?
Please refer to your child's journal to identify which Bach Flower Remedy they have chosen for the week. Read more about Bach Flower Remedies here. Please encourage your child to work with their affirmation - repeating it, reading it, writing it down. Please note that the scent in the room spray comes from Aromatherapy oils specific to the chakra and the Bach Flowers add a vibration to the environment which helps them with a potential emotion.
The room spray may not have all of the aromatherapy oils in it, it contains a blend of some of them. All of these oils are good to support this week. You can try spraying your room spray around your bedroom before you sleep or using it to start your meditation. If you are feeling unsure of yourself spray it in the air above you and breathe in the scent.
Brain Gym exercises are designed to 'switch on' the brain. To increase focus and to exercise pathways between the left and ride sides of the brain. You can use them at any time of the day but why not try them before starting a new activity, before studying, reading or doing homework, before sports or even before your meditation. Experiment with which exercise works best for you or do the exercises from week one to four one after the other. Make a note in your journal about if and how they help and when you use them so you can easily come back to what supports you.
During the throat chakra work we have looked at emotions and tools to help us communicate our feelings. We can communicate by listening and holding space as well as speaking with our voice and whole body. Allowing ourselves to be true to ourselves can help us to release any stuck emotional patterns. Having a creative outlet is so important for this drawing, writing, singing, moving as well as sports as a physical outlet can really help us to find space in our head. Have a look at the Emotional Processing card for more information. Try to make a gratitude list and when listening to others try to simply repeat what they say to show you are present for them.
The meditation below can be done without music, however this is the music we used in the class (available on You Tube). You can play this in the background or just during the week when doing other things. The background Binaural vibration can help to resonate within the body, correcting internal frequencies subconsciously. Read more about Binaural frequencies here.
A Listening Meditation is a great mindfulness meditation for the Throat Chakra. Simply listen and try and pick out as many individual sounds as you can. This is a simple and fun thing to do together as a family - you can do it anywhere and for any length of time or you could make it into a game by setting a timing and each trying to hear as many single sounds as you can! Try listening to birds and nature - can you pick out the song of individual birds and insects? Or do this in the town - can you pick out individual car sounds, the air conditioner, a voice? It doesn't matter what and where you are it is about really being there and listening without decided if sounds are bad and good, it helps you to stay in the present moment and also exercises the nerve connections of your ears and hearing. If you choose to do this in a really quiet place why not listen to a sound track of nature on YouTube or even a piece of classical music for the individual instruments.