
There is so much information about mindfulness and how and why it helps you! We have included some links here for anyone who wants to read a bit more! There are also links for info about the chakra's and self compassion and some easy to follow Youtube clips.


If you feel you need further support Louise and Kate both offer private sessions and we offer a combined naturopathy and kinesiology package. You can contact us via [email protected] or our websites (why not join the mailing list for ongoing support, ideas, tips and courses) If you feel you would benefit from another type of treatment we are happy to refer you to another practitioner and/or make suggestions of who to see and what could best help you.

So how does meditation affect your brain? These diagrams make some interesting points!

Inside the meditating brain.pdf

This is an easy to follow article from Monash University on the Health Benefits of Meditation and being Mindful.


Hydration - that is having enough water - is so important to your body. An internet search will bring up loads of information about water and why we need it and how much we need! Remember to drink often, having enough water will help your focus and concentration

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